Yes, We’re Going to Israel


Yes, We’re Going to Israel

Yes, we are watching the news. Yes, we have thought about it. Yes, we are going to Israel to reunite with our Peace Through Pyramids partners, the Jewish/Arab Galilee Circus. We have talked with people in Israel— both members of the Galilee Circus and others. We will probably stay in the North. Circus people always seem to be taking great risks. And what they do is dangerous. But circus people are very conscious and careful. We are circus people This is what former Arch, Max Peopose, posted on Facebook: “As tensions and violence have recently escalated in Israel and Gaza, my family of Jessica Hentoff and the St. Louis Arches will be traveling there tomorrow to reunite with a similar group of Israeli Arab and Jewish heritage. My message to you all is this: stay SMART, stay SAFE, and show the world that PEACE IS POSSIBLE! Share ideas, learn new things, inspire and become inspired. Most of all, stay positive, stay focused, and have fun! GoGalilee Arches!!”    For photos of the Peace Through Pyramids partership that we started in 2007 go to our Facebook page at