We Made it to Israel!

P1110058 We made it to Israel! We had a 6 hour layover in Newark where we entertained people at the airport with our circus antics. We expected the plane to Israel to be empty but it was absolutely full.

We were met at the airport our wonderful Galilee Circus friends! We had lunch at a place called American Pizza and went to the Arab village of Baane where everyone got to know each other circus-style— juggling, hula hopping, unicycling etc. Even though many of them had never met and they spoke different verbal languages, they all spoke circus and were like old friends almost instantly. And, anyway, they are family. Our two circuses are family! You can feel it.

Yes, there is terrible bombing going on in south. We are in the Galilee, in the north. It is peaceful to the point of idyllic here. The Arches are spending the night in different Arab and Jewish villages. Tomorrow, we start to create our show!

In the words of James Cole from www.Circus4Youth.org: “This should be the world peace summit meeting! The circus kids would do a far better job.”

Lots of photos are at www.Facebook.com/circusharmony