While all OUR days are Circus Days, there are two days in April that specifically celebrate who we are and what we do at Circus Harmony:
Social Circus Day is a series of social circus events around designed to bring joy and laughter to thousands of communities around the world. Initiated by the Asian Social Circus Association. The celebration connects social circuses around the world in “a tidal wave of joy and laughter…to break all the barriers and let everyone join in on the fun!” Learn more and see where in the world you can celebrate at the Social Circus Day. Circus Harmony will be dedicating our St. Louis Arches shows at City Museum that day to this global celebration. If you come of these days, you will be able to buy Watch Out for Flying Kids —the book about our Peace Through Pyramids Partnership with the Jewish./Arab Galilee Circus in Israel— for the special price of $20.
World Circus Day is a special day to celebrate Circus Arts and Culture presented by the World Circus Federation. The theme of the Seventh World Circus Day, which is being held on Saturday, April 16, is “Collaboration & Cooperation for the Future of Circus“. In honor of this theme, Circus Flora will be celebrating with us at City Museum during the 1 and 3 PM St. Louis Arches shows. From 12:45-3:45,We will have special giveaways from Circus Harmony and Circus Flora. There will be information about Flora’s upcoming show, Pastime and you will get a sneak peek at the new act the St. Louis Arches are creating for Pastime! We will also be offering a free juggling class in the Circus Harmony ring at 2 PM!
So, mark your calendars and come to Circus Harmony at City Museum and let us make your day a circus day on April 2 and April 16!