This summer, you can catch our current flying children and our amazing adult alums around town, around America and around the world!
Catch Keaton Hentoff-Killian with Cirque du Soleil performing in the opening ceremonies of the Pan Am Games (broadcast on ESPN) on July 10 in Toronto! Stay in Canada and look for Kellin Quinn (voted #7 juggler in the world) touring with the Fabuleux Cirque Jean Coutu.
Don’t miss Elliana Grace’s new solo show in the Circus Harmony ring at City Museum. Just check our calendar for when. You can also catch her performing alongside Matt Viverito in the monthly shows at the Circus Harmony Flying Trapeze Center where YOU can go any day Tuesday thru Sunday through October to see how it feels to defy gravity!
Sidney ‘Iking’ Bateman and Melvin Diggs are on their world tour with 7 Fingers’ wonderful Cuisine and Confessions show for two years. But you just have until the end of August to catch Renaldo ‘Junior’ Williams in Cancun with Cirque du Soleil’s Joya. Find Claire Kuciejczyk-Kernan Wallenda-Zoppé at the Jolly Roger Park in Ocean City, Maryland with the Flying Wallendas.
Look for five of the fabulous, flying St. Louis Arches at the Worldwide Circus Summit in West Springfield, Massachusettes, and with the Zoppe Italian Family Circus in Great Barrington and West Hampton Beach! We will have 7 flinging children at the International Juggler’s Festival in Quebec City in July! Two photographs of our flying chldren that were taken by our director, Jessica Hentoff, will be part of the CIRCUS! Art exhibit at The Foundry in St. Charles, Missouri July 17 – August!
You can also see flying children all summer, Monday through Friday in our home ring at City Museum! Catch them!