First of May is when many tented circuses would take to the road, each year. First-of-May is what circus performers would call new people when they started with the circus. Here we are. All grounded, aerialists and jugglers alike.
We are all walking this tightrope, finding our balance even as the rope keeps getting extended. The best way to regain our balance and to get to the other side is to keep taking the next step.
There are ancient cave paintings of acrobats and Egyptian hieroglyphics of jugglers. Circus is an ancient art form that has stayed true to its roots and evolved at the same time.
I see so many performers from Australia to South America. to Europe to the United States and Canada who are finding ways to create AND PERFORM because that is what they do and who they are.
This first of May, circus folks are starting a new tour and we don’t have a map. But we will continue to be strong, flexible, poised, resilient, and well-balanced. We are creating Pandemic Pivots to stay connected with each other, our audiences, and our students. Circus people always find a way. The show will go on. Tours can be rough but we always hope the next town down the road will be better! At some point, we will see each other down the road, again!
This article from TheSTL.com by Liz Miller captures my vision and the work of Circus Harmony going through this pandemic and beyond.
There are very worthy and needed causes that need your donations right now! If you can spare some support for Circus harmony, it would be appreciated and you can donate online HERE. To give you some idea of the impact your support of our work can have, here is Part 2 of Sidney Iking Bateman’s autobiography. It shows how he used circus to soar above his circumstances. More importantly, it shows how, if we support each other, we can rise above just about anything!
Our shows cannot happen now, but the show will go on in the future. Even now, we are working on new acts, together, in our separate homes. I can’t wait for you to see them! #PerseveranceThruPrandemic #DoWhatYouCan #TheShowWillGoOn
Jessica Hentoff, May 2020