Circus Harmony is in the middle of our Spring 2020 Appeal as we walk this pandemic tightrope. We recognize that there are numerous Racial Justice, Pandemic Response, and Environmental non-profits that are dealing with current crises that need support right now. But if you have something to spare and would like to help support us through the pandemic so we can keep doing the work we do using circus to train potential future changemakers, you can donate securely at www.circusharmony.org. We hope you might consider even making a monthly pledge. Here’s why:
Dear Friend of Circus Harmony,
Circus is about risk-taking. At least, that’s how it seems to the audience. In reality, our students train so that they are strong enough, flexible enough, and have the spatial awareness they need to be in control when they do a trick. Right now, thanks to Covid-19, the world seems out of control. One of our students said, “Usually if there is a problem, there is a grown-up I can go to who has advice or answers. Now, nobody knows what is going on.” Due to the pandemic, there are many serious issues that are out of anyone’s control. Children feel this keenly.
Normally, I would be writing to you right now to ask for your support in taking our students to Puerto Rico to tour with our social circus partners there. We had planned to bring the joy and hope of circus to those affected by the earthquakes. Instead, I am asking for your support to keep Circus Harmony working through the pandemic and beyond.
Since the Covid-19 shutdown, we have been offering circus classes for all ages in a variety of circus genres. We recognize circus is not an essential service like food or medicine, but it does serve a purpose.
At the end of one of these classes, one of our coaches asked a student what his favorite part of the class was. His answer: “My favorite part of the class was laughing.” What a gift to give to someone during these pandemic times – the gift of laughter!
Here’s what some parents have said:
“Your organization is doing a great job transition to this strange present moment. You are bringing joy and health in dark times.”
“I think circus is what he will talk about most when this is all over. Of course, it keeps me healthy too because I know it’s making him happy.”
We give our students something they can do to make them feel good and in control of something, at least for a moment. We also give them a sense of community, which is something many children have lost right now when they are not able to attend school, churches, or community centers. The life lessons learned through circus – strength, flexibility, perseverance, and collaboration – are more important now than ever.
When the pandemic hit, we were getting ready to perform with Circus Fora, our social circus partners in Puerto Rico, and more. We suspended our Circus Science, Showcase and Teacher Training, Circus Teaches the Art of Life, and other programs. We have done the pandemic pivot to move online. We are trying to keep our Master Peace Through Pyramids programming. This is especially challenging for students in underserved communities because internet access is not equal. Some families do not have multiple devices at home and can only get online for classes when the parent with the smartphone is home. Wifi is also an issue. We are reaching out to students’ families to work around this. We had planned on doing a show called The Balancing Act about youth mental health problems. This show is now being created from students’ individual homes through the lens of the pandemic.
Our goal is to give children a creative outlet and a voice at a time when they are isolated and so deeply affected by what is happening. In addition to classes, we just offered our first online Zoom show. Circus Harmony’s classes and shows give young people an activity they can participate in with a community of other young people that will continue to bring joy and hope to participants and audiences alike. You can register for classes, book a show, or donate at www.circusharmony.org.
As a nonprofit, we feel like we are walking a tightrope. Under normal circumstances, we know how to walk a tightrope, however, the length keeps getting extended. Your gift will help us get to the other side as we continue engaging our students, employing our teaching artists, and entertaining the public. Will you help us continue to use circus arts to help people to be strong, flexible, creative, and well-balanced during the pandemic and beyond?
For Health and Harmony,
Jessica Hentoff
Artistic/Executive Director