Kellin Quinn is In Town!

kellin---no wordsIt is so hard to keep up with social media— to follow everything you want to follow and even to post everything in real time! Just yesterday (Sat. Oct 11), in addition to our circus classes that run non-stop from 9-6 at City Museum, we had a 4 person show at Express Scripts for the Arts & Education Council at noon and still made it back to do full St. Louis Arches shows at City Museum at 1 & 3. Then we went to see Circus Harmony’s contortion juggler, Incredible Isabella, and Circus Harmony Alum, Kellin Quinn, who is 1/3 of  Company McQuiggs, at the St. Louis JuggleFest Showcase. Phew! So, if you didn’t remember that we posted in our e-news blast about Kellin and the McQuiggs being at Jugglefest and you didn’t catch it in our Facebook and Twitter posts, we are sorry you missed them! They were AWE-MAZING!!! Photos are on our Facebook page. We did forget to shout it out here so we are shouting to you now to notice that even though you missed the McQuiggs, you can still see Kellin Quinn in shows all this week in the Circus Harmony ring on the third floor at City Museum. This is a limited engagement. Check our calendar. Catch him! If you want to add Company McQuiggs to your list of things to follow, their website is